Breeders cleaning cowshed at locations cattle ranch located Sandik village, Lombok, Indonesia. It is part of the Earth that has been declared a Million Cattle NTB Government - Provincial Government of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) since 2009. Earth Program Million Cows in NTB, technology-supported Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) with semen or sperm frozen products. Artificial insemination of frozen sperm is sperm sexing that will produce calves with sex as expected, ie, male or female. Beginning in 2012, the 2500 LIPI handed dose of frozen semen to the NTB provincial government. Total national cattle population, estimated at 16.7 million head. To meet the 431 thousand tons of beef, the Indonesian government declared a national cattle stock should be provided at home by 3.1 million head *. Needs of beef per year is estimated to reach 549.7 thousand tons.
