Latest photos in the village Pelesiran, Cihampelas, Bandung, Indonesia, post-leveled for expansion projects Cihampelas Walk last year. Silent action protests are still visible to the wall mounted banners also home residents in the streets. The expansion project was stopped because of a dispute over compensation, as well as to the validity of Ownership of the land.

A year ago, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) West Java requesting the eviction of land measuring 4,000 square meters in Cihampelas is immediately stopped. Until now the land is not a question of legality clarity ownership status. According to data BPN ((Badan Pertanahan Nasional) is indeed the land is state land or customary land.

Name Haji Ghazali with his heir, Haji Nawawi, claiming ownership of the land area of ​​4,000 square meters is. But strangely, people who claim that up to now has not been known to exist.
For decades, Many citizens have to pay a monthly rent to the person claiming the heir to the land use. Citizens who have inhabited the area for many years reluctant to question the figure of damages because their production does not fit to erect buildings and leasehold land and building that they're willing to pay.
Cihampelas, also the name of a street, the area is also famous as the Sentra Jeans in Bandung. When the weekday or weekend, the area is visited by many tourists from various regions in Indonesia, also foreign tourists.
