The passengers prepared to leave for the ships that will sail to Kepulauan Seribu  in the port of Muara Angke, Jakarta, Indonesia. Kepulauan seribu  is an archipelago located in north Jakarta, just dealing with the Jakarta Bay. Name of the Kepulauan seribu, in the literal sense, a thousand islands, does not mean the islands in the maritime cluster was numbered a thousand. Number of the island is only about 342 islands, including the islands of sand and coral reefs vegetated or not. Sand and coral island itself amounted to 158. Not all islands are included in the cluster of islands inhabited by humans Thousand. Like many other islands in Indonesia, most of the islands in the Thousand Islands are uninhabited. Thousand Islands cluster which does not have the potential for development of a variety of small industries, such as mining, fishing and tourism are the most important.
