Sijunjung city towards the four cardinal directions, North - South and East-West (pictured from top to bottom, North - pic 2, 3: South - pic 4: East- pic 5: West - pic 1, 6, 7 ), seen Bukik Gadang Hotel, Sijungjung, West Sumatra, Indonesia.
Sijunjung district (formerly called district Sawahlunto Sijunjung) is one of the districts in the province of West Sumatra, Indonesia. The district capital is Muaro Sijunjung. Prior to 2004, counties Sijunjung is the third largest district in West Sumatra with the name Sijunjung Sawahlunto district. But since bloomed (which produces Dharmasraya district), the district became the second narrowest districts in West Sumatra.
In topography, the district Sijunjung Bukit Barisan is a series that extends from the northwest to the southeast, so the district has a very varied heights of between 120 meters to 930 meters above sea level. Districts in the county generally has a steep topography with a slope of between 15-40%, the Tower Tanjung district, subdistrict Sijunjung, Holy Sumpur districts, and districts Lubuk Tarok.
As with other areas in West Sumatra, this district has a tropical climate with a minimum temperature range 21 ° C and maximum 37 ° C. While precipitation levels Sijunjung district averaged 13.61 mm per day.
