Most of women in Medang Hamlet, Village of Sekotong Barat,Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, Lombok, Indonesia, work as salt makers. Instead of drying salty water by using sunshine, the salt farmers in Medang Hamlet use wood in heating the salt water.Not much benefit from this effort. Moreover, the salt-making process is quite long. Ranging from filtering sea water, then boil, boiled water to precipitate a salt. Within a day, a salt farmer can only make a maximum of 12 kilograms of savory salt. Easy availability of raw materials from the natural surroundings, which makes them keep trying to survive.The study finds that the income earned from this activity is considerably low. Since there is no other source of income alternative for the women in this hamlet, making salt becomes the only job that can be done. The consequence is tha tthe villagers in this area are still live under poverty line.
